
“I believe in a world where our eyes don’t define our reality, our vision does.“

Hi friend,

I was born with a degenerative eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa and unexpectedly lost most of my eyesight throughout childhood.  At the start of my childhood I remember being happy, fearless, and free.  But as I reluctantly grew up in a world designed for people to live with sight, I developed a deep fear characterized by tough questions with no answers.  Plagued by the reality that I could wake up any morning and lose all of what little, eyesight I had left, my life became a day-in and day-out routine of just trying to make it through each set of grueling 24 hours with some since of dignity and self-worth.  I found bits and pieces of solitude in poetry, music, and theater, but each time I was alone, the thoughts of “what if” and “why me” returned.  Deep in my innermost being, I knew I was called to a higher purpose and that this affliction of my eyes would be used someday to change the world.  However, when the negative thoughts and intense fear was upon me, it seemed like “someday” would never come.

One month after graduating high school, I moved away from home and attended a program for blind adults to learn independent living skills.  I thought this was my chance to break free from the chains of blindness and enter a new world of freedom, self-worth, and independence. Little did I know that learning braille and how to travel independently, using a long, white cane was only a small part of what would truly make me free.  I knew that I was on this journey for a specific purpose that would one day make an impact that would change the world.

After I graduated from the training center, i went to college at Louisiana Tech University where i obtained my Bachelors degree in Nutrition and Dietetics.  Then, on to grad school where I earned my Masters in Health Promotion.  These college years were filled with fun, laughter, community, personal growth, but many challenges as a blind student.  There were teachers who would tell me to change my major because there was no way that I would get through their course non-visually.  I didn’t of course, where there’s a will, there’s a way! 

After college, there were so many job interviews that ended with blatant discrimination and demeaning questions because of my disability.  Through all of these challenges, i never quit and never caved in.  I have been given an extraordinary gift of strength that I have used to my advantage during times of fierce adversity.

The time has now come for me to use my experiences, passion, expertise, and extraordinary gifts to make the world a better place.  A place where people with disabilities are thriving and living their absolute best lives, applying and working at jobs that truly align with their skills and talents.  A place where workspaces are diverse and inclusive for people with and without disabilities.  A place where every human being is powerfully walking in their calling, regardless of their challenges or circumstances.  A place where everyone decides to live life, boldly.

Will you join me?

All the love,

Amber Kierra <3


10 fun facts about amber

  1. She enjoys aerial arts and is obssessed with spinning fast and making shapes.

  2. When she’s not hanging off of a hoop in mid-air she’s probably at Trader Joes grabbing her favorite snacks which include blueberry-wrapped goat cheese and fig crackers.

  3. Her skin tone is a solid clue on her favorite treat, extra dark chocolate, please and thank you!

  4. She enjoys jazz but her dream song to walk out on stage to would be “Golden“ by Jill Scott.

  5. She has the world’s cutest Seeing Eye Dog named Della, a petite black lab that’s always down to snuggle.

  6. She was a powerlifter in college and competed in two nationals and one world competition.

  7. She taught yoga full-time through grad school and now does cardio kickboxing once a week. Did we mention she loves fitness?

  8. She is the Founder & CEO of a thriving nonprofit called Kingdom Eyes.

  9. If she could only bring one item on a trip (besides her phone), it would be her portable french press.

  10. She dreams of giving inspiring speeches to large crowds and using her voice to change the world.
